Friday 23 April 2010


Hanford College once again sees off successful and deserving graduates while welcoming a group of hopeful freshman’s. Amongst the freshmen, stands Holly Brookes. Holly Brookes is a college student, who is just about to start her freshman year. She is a trouble girl who, has tried her luck in 4 different cities. She’s not been able to settle anywhere, due to the bullying and the unacceptance she receives, by reason of her mother being dead and her dad becoming an alcoholic as a result.
She tries Hanford College at last where she now lives in a nice little house that is away from everything else, somewhere where she feels at home. Everything seems to be going well for the first time in here life she makes friends, and she is accepted by them for who she is. She feels complete, she even doesn’t mind coming home to see her father drunk anymore either. Instead she talks to him about her improved life and her new friends, this seems to cure him in some way and he relies less and less on alcohol. But the question is, is it just all too good to be true? Is this all for better or for worse?
Holly is invited to a house party, the first party she would have gone to in her life. Her friends Sarah, Michelle and Lucy are also invited. So they meet up as both Lucy and Michelle’s boyfriends pick them up, Holly and Sarah hitch a ride too. The party is wild there bongs all over the place, alcohol everywhere people smoking cigarettes. Holly had been dressed up by her friend who made her were make up and a really short dress, she started to get a lot of male attention. Her friends then convince her to drink some alcohol as she tries to resist, she gives into the pressure to ‘fit in’. The alcohol is the start of a wild night! Everyone is having a ball dancing, singing, shouting doing what drunken teenagers normally do. Lucy her boyfriend Jack along side Michelle and her boyfriend John decide to go for a midnight stroll, they pull Holly and Sarah along with then.
They’re just walking endlessly singing and laughing, when Holly realises they’re just getting closer to her lonely house, she decides to tell them to just find a space to ‘hang out’. They find a nice spot under a deserted tree next to a lake where they sit. Lucy and Jack wonder off as it cuts to scene where they have sex. Lucy decides to run away from jack for him to give chase. After shouting her name for ages Jack goes back to ‘camp’ thinking he’d been fooled. He soon finds out no one else had seen her either. They all here footsteps and turn around when suddenly Lucy falls from a tree with a noose hung around her neck as she swings hanging by the neck. This turns out to be a real ‘hang out’.
A Masked figure then jumps out behind the tree with a butcher’s knife and starts to slaughter Michelle in front of everyone. Everyone takes off; they all follow Holly who runs for her house. However they now decide to make stops to see if they can see the killer. Sweat pouring down their faces, heavy panting and aching limbs they sought to give up but that is not good enough. One by one Holly’s friends are killed off like pigs in an abattoir.
Holly Decides to make one last run to her house without looking back over her shoulder in fear to what she mite see chasing her. She gave one glance over her shoulder and saw nothing there she ran even faster. She reached her door she opened the door and jumped into her dads arm. She felt safe again. Holly tilts her face upwards to see the mask…

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