Audience feedback
Trailer Feedback
To obtain some qualitative data I asked a group 15 A Level students about the trailer. I have looked at their feedback and I also provided a brief analysis.
Question 1: Does the trailer give you a sense of the story?
The majority of the feedback indicated that the trailer was clear in portraying the narrative we intended. Most said it was easy to understand, the participants said they got a clear sense of story. This would be because; the carefully planned voiceover and dialogue integrate well to help give a sense of narrative, without giving away the film too much.
Question 2: Would it be the kind of film that you would pay money to go and watch?
The overall participants said yes, they would pay good money to go and see this kind of film. This suggests that we have chosen our target demographic correctly.
Question 3: Is there anything different you thought didn’t make sense?
The majority of the participants said they had trouble, telling apart the subordinate character from the final girl. This is due to the fact that both the characters have very similar characteristics, their hairstyles and hair colour, as well as height and body structure. If I had the chance to do things differently I would make sure the subordinate character was portrayed differently so not cause any confusion about the two characters.
Question 4: Can you reference this trailer to other films within the slasher genre?
The majority of the group of students said they could easily reference the trailer to the film Halloween. They said it helped them to understand the trailer more, in terms of story and what was going on. One of the students said they didn’t think it was a good idea to have reference from other films as this doesn’t make the film original. From this I come to understand that intertextuality helps the audience in understanding the narrative. The participants were able to understand the film in terms of Halloween, and the key references such as the theme tune helped them to do this. This is intertextuality at its best.
Magazine Front Cover Feedback
To obtain some qualitative data I asked a group 15 A Level students about the Magazine Front Cover. I have looked at their feedback and I also provided a brief analysis.
Question 1: Would you pick up this edition of the magazine and purchase it?
Most of the students said yes they would as they thought the cover was professional and eye catching. They said the cover helped to give them a sense of what the film was about. This means the character and images have been portrayed and position correctly to give a sense of narrative within the magazine cover.
Question 2: Do the Buzzwords help to catch your eye?
The majority of the participants said yes they though it did. They felt that if they were in a shop this magazine would catch their eye, as it is bold and looks very 3-d. this goes to prove that this advertising technique of using buzz words actually works, in attracting the appeal of potential consumers.
Question 3: Can you relate this magazine to any other magazine?
The overall population stated that they could reference the magazine to Empire magazine. This further helped their understanding of the magazine cover. This example of intertextuality of referencing my magazine to Empire magazine helped the students understanding of my magazine.
Film Poster Feedback
To obtain some qualitative data I asked a group 15 A Level students about the Film Poster. I have looked at their feedback and I also provided a brief analysis.
Question 1: Would this film poster encourage you to go and see the film?
The majority of the students said yes because the poster does well in helping to give a sense of the film it is portraying.
Question 2: What features in the poster helped you to understand what the film is about?
Most of the students said they noticed how all the knives were pointing in one direction, a house. They also noticed how the house was in a spotlight, and how the font was like as it was bleeding. From this they said they could interpret that it’s about a killer on the loose in a house killing people. This goes to show that the Mis-en-Scene of the poster has helped the audience understanding of the film. I purposely chose to objectify the house in a spotlight effect to; portray the idea that it was main feature of the film.
Question 3: Do the buzzwords on the poster “THE BEST SLASHER SINCE HALLOWEEN... Empireonline.com” affect your appeal towards the film?
The overall participants stated that, convincing comments like this that back this film from big names such as Empire help to give an incentive to go and watch this film. They said it increases their appeal towards the film. This shows that backing from big names such as Empire help to market the film more conveniently, as it makes increase the appeal of the film.
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